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Dermal Fillers



  • Lip augmentation 1ml - £240

  • Cheek enhancement 2ml - £440

  • Nasolabial lines -1ml £240/2ml £440

  • Marionette lines -1ml £240/2ml £440

  • Peri oral lines - as per individual

  • The 8 Point Liquid Facelift (4ml -£795)

  • Chin Enhancement  - as per individual

  • Jaw and Jowl Augmentation - as per individual

  • Jaw/Jowl and Chin (4ml package £795)



Essential Information

Dermal filler is a substance called hyaluronic acid that can be injected into the face to improve its appearance. Dermal filler give immediate results but overall take 2-3 weeks to reach maximum effect after reduction of swelling and softening of the product due to the hydrophilic process.

If you’ve been looking around trying to decide on the best treatment for the signs of ageing you will find that dermal fillers are now commonly used so you are probably aware of the basics; they are simple injections can be used to correct or enhance facial contours, plump up lips, soften the appearance of wrinkles and improve the tone, texture and hydration of the skin: but what you might not know are the facts surrounding the procedure.



Considering Dermal Fillers – Consultation, Procedure and Aftercare

You will be initially provided with a consultation appointment with Wendy where she will discuss the treatment areas you are interested in. During the consultation you will be advised if dermal fillers are right for you for the enhancements you desire. Expectations of outcomes will be discussed.

You will also be asked to disclose important information regarding you medical history such as:

  • Previous allergic/anaphylactic reactions

  • Skin conditions or infections including cold sores and acne

  • Medications that may increase risk of bruising/bleeding such as aspirin or Warfarin

  • If you are immunocompromised

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • Recent surgery, medical conditions and other medications

  • Safety has not been established for those skins susceptible to keloid scarring.


Disclosure and medical record including consent form is confidential and does not mean that you are not suitable for dermal fillers.

You will be asked to sign a consent form if you wish to proceed with the treatment.

Risks and complications:

All treatments carry a degree of risk.

Side effects include:

  • Redness

  • Swelling

  • Bruising

  • Itching

  • Tenderness

The above are temporary and usually resolve within the first few days, swelling is often marked the next morning but settles within hours, bruising can take a week to 10 days to resolve and can sometimes persist for longer.

Other rare, more serious complications are a severe allergic reaction and where a blood vessel can become blocked if filler is injected into it. This is rare and is a complication that can be treated by your practitioner immediately with medication and dissolving agents. 


What does the procedure involve?

When you return for your procedure your consent will be reviewed to ensure there are no changes – and at any point you can change your mind.

Local anaesthetic cream will be applied to treatment area and left for a period of time, occasionally ice can be used also to help numb the area.

Your skin will be cleansed to remove cream and any makeup before sterilising solution is applied. Your procedure will be performed using aseptic technique (under sterile conditions) to reduce the risk of infection.

Throughout the treatment you will be informed continually of what is happening and advised that you can stop/have a break at any time.


Longevity does vary between products, and between individuals, but most will last between 6 months and 18 months.

Most people are able to continue with normal activities with immediate improvement in their appearance. 

Make-up should not be worn for 12 hours


You will be advised to avoid excess alcohol and vigorous exercise for 48 hours sunbathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 14 days post treatment.


Dermal fillers can last anywhere between 6 to 18 months, depending on the type of hyaluronic acid used, as well as, how well it’s suited to the purpose and to the individual.

The Science:

At around the age of 25, the body stops producing collagen and elastin, the two proteins that work together to keep tissue firm and skin elastic, and the existing collagen in the body begins to break down.

Without these two proteins, the body begins to display the typical signs of ageing (things like sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, deep lines and wrinkles) as the body no longer has a means of keeping tissue strong and skin supple.

Dermal fillers, the majority of which are made up of hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring sugar chain molecule that attracts and binds water in the skin), can be used to work in harmony with the body’s remaining collagen and elastin, supporting these all-important proteins to give skin a more full and youthful appearance.

Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar chain molecule found in all skin and soft tissues throughout the body, identical across species. It attracts and binds water in the skin, providing volume and hydration, but also ‘cushioning’ and supporting collagen and elastin fibres and providing a medium, or carrier, for chemical messages between the cells.

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